Recently, women have asked why I pivoted my business away from a 25+ year career in SEO and towards brand messaging and business consulting for Gen X women.
Truthfully, I never thought about telling my story because I figured nobody would care. (The Gen X’er in me is coming out loud and clear.)
My TL;DR answer to why I pivoted is that I would wake up at 3 am every morning thinking, “When am I going to make a change, and how much longer can I do what I’m doing now?”
It was like a low-grade pressure that was always in the background and never disappeared.
The long answer: Being a full-time SEO content guru no longer felt right. Every day felt like Groundhog Day, where I would do the same things that didn’t quite fill my soul.
It was like trying on a favorite outfit from 15 years ago and thinking, “I used to feel so good in this outfit. Now, it’s… meh.”
Let me be clear: I love SEO content. I love seeing the light bulb moment when a writer or business owner “gets it.” Teaching people how to control their content destinies excites me. You’ll still see me on the SMX and MarketingProfs virtual stage, and I still work with content teams and small companies. I ranted about AI content (and ways I use ChatGPT) earlier this month for SMX Advanced.
At the same time, I’ve been in an SEO content box of my own creation for more than 25 years. I’m grateful that I’m still considered an expert authority. (I joke that I feel like a unicorn as an over-50 woman in technology.)
But when I think about leaving a legacy, I want to be known for more than SEO writing. I want to know that I’ve helped women grow. This “isn’t quite right” feeling permeated everything I did. My body was telling me – in no uncertain terms – I needed to get my shit together.
I got a false positive cancer diagnosis. I felt run down all the time – even if I ate well and exercised. My blood pressure was tracking high, and it never tracked high.
The beginning of the end (and the start of my pivot) began when my cat Cartman was diagnosed with nasal cancer, and he died five days later. It was horrible.
And so was reading an email from my client that said, “We’re sorry about your cat, but we’ll require a refund if you need to reschedule.” I mean, I get it. It’s business. But that situation opened the door to, “You know, it’s time to do something different.”
But, OF COURSE, I was stubborn, and it took me years to change. Stuff happened (my husband and my other cat got sick) that made me think, “Ooh, maybe I should stick with what’s safe.” Money became a top priority as my expenses ratcheted way up.
So, I put my pivot dreams on hold. After all, the hell I knew felt safer and more financially secure. I could always hustle and make money in SEO – even if it felt like I was trading money for my health and soul.
But that 3 a.m. voice kept getting louder. And my anxiety levels rose. Until I decided to do something about it – which is when I launched Charisma Boost and developed Slow Branding for Gen X women.
I even wrote a book! It’s short, but dammit, it’s a book!
I realized SEO content is still fun (to a point), but I don’t want to be SEO-monogamous anymore. Working with women and helping them create wealth through words excites me, too.
It took me a hot minute to realize that focusing on what I loved meant I could do multiple things. I didn’t have to be “just” an SEO writer or “just” a brand messaging coach. I could have it all.
Today, I’m slowly revamping the Charisma Boost site to reflect ALL of me – a mashup of SEO content training for my corporate clients – and Slow Branding coaching and personal branding optimization for my solopreneurs.
I feel all Donny and Marie-like. I’m a little bit SEO content workshop leader and a little bit of brand messaging and business coaching. And my new business feels almost like a rebirth (complete with the pain and screaming.)
What are the five things I've learned during my business pivot?
That “you can do more” 3 am feeling doesn’t go away until you take action. Believe me. I tried to ignore it. Sure, you can distract yourself and keep doing what you’re doing. Or, you could listen to that voice and see where it takes you.
Your business (or career) doesn’t have to follow a predictably straight line. It’s okay to focus on what you love, even if it involves a combination of wildly different things. Talking to a coach (or mentor or trusted friend) can help you realize that you have more figured out than you know. I’ve helped women untangle their brains in an hour – not because I’m that cool, but because these women already knew what they wanted. They just needed someone to ask the right questions.
Pivoting can make you feel like you know nothing and you’re starting from the beginning. It can suck, especially if you’re used to being on top of your game. You may want to quit. Do not quit. The effort can be rough, but the view at the top is priceless.
Life is short. Stuff happens. There are always ways to make money – but only YOU know what makes you happy. Go after that.
Are you hearing that 3 a.m. voice whispering, "It’s time to do something different?" Have you successfully pivoted and have tips to share? Leave a comment and let me know.
I just developed a six-session Slow Branding Blueprint coaching package to calm your 3 a.m. brain and give you an actionable plan for moving forward. Contact me for more information.
Want to get a copy of my free book, “Don’t You (Forget About Me): How Slow Branding Can Transform Gen X Women Into Thought Leaders and Leave A Legacy”? https://www.charismaboost.com/newsletter